Please see our SlideShare presentation for tips and guidance relating to Form DS-160, including what to do if you are unsure how to answer a particular question, and what you can do if you experience technical problems, realize you have made a mistake, or if you cannot retrieve your DS-160 confirmation page. Confirmation page of the application form DS-160 – You must show a printout of your DS-160 confirmation page (the page with the barcode) when you arrive at the Embassy.You are required to bring the following forms and documents in support of your visa application: Ambassador Jane Hartley presents her credentials to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.Department of State Counselor Derek Chollet visit to Belfast, Northern Ireland.Readout of Vice President Harris’s Calls with European Leaders.FACT SHEET: United States Bans Imports of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal.– UK Joint Statement on Green Shipping Corridor Collaboration Announcement at COP27 World Leaders Summit AMERICAN EMBASSY PRIVATE PENSION SCHEME.Statement from Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Russian Aggression Towards Ukraine.The Stakes of Russian Aggression for Ukraine and Beyond.Readout of President Biden’s Video Call with European Leaders on Russia and Ukraine.How Russia conducts false flag operations.Citizens: ROAD CLOSURES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION CHANGES DURING CORONATION WEEKEND, MAY 06 – 08, 2023 () Citizens: SECURITY ALERT – REPORTS OF SECURITY INCIDENT IN NOTTINGHAM CITY CENTRE (13 June 2023)
#Us travel docs ds 160 form update#
Security Alert: UPDATE TO PREVIOUS SECURITY ALERT – SAFE TO RE-ENTER NOTTINGHAM CITY CENTRE FOLLOWING SECURITY INCIDENT (13 June 2023).Chargé d’Affaires a.i Reeker at the 2021 Fulbright Reception.Chargé d’Affaires Reeker visits RAF Fairford.Chargé d’Affaires Reeker at the Pacific Futures Forum aboard HMS Prince of Wales.Chargé d’Affaires Reeker at the Remembrance Day Memorial Commemoration at Brookwood American Cemetery.